Brazilian Petrobras to export ethanol to Nigeria

Brazil is set to start exporting ethanol to Nigeria, Brazilian state energy company Petrobras said Wednesday in Rio de Janeiro.

The firm said in a statement that it successfully negotiated a deal with the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), which intends to add 10 per cent ethanol to the petrol sold in the African country.

The first 20-million-litre load of Brazilian ethanol produced from sugar cane is set to arrive in Nigeria in the next few weeks. Future shipments will depend on the evolution of the Nigerian programme to use ethanol, the statement said.

Petrobras said the deal, which is a result of a memorandum of understanding that both companies signed in 2005, also includes technical support from the Brazilian firm 'not just to mix and handle the ethanol, but also to train NNPC employees for the implementation of the programme of adding 10 per cent ethanol to Nigerian petrol.'

Petrobras plans no investment for the construction of ethanol plants in Nigeria or of facilities to hold ethanol or handle the biofuel.


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